Recall data is supplied for information purposes only. The data is received from independent international resources. All recalls might not apply to all vehicles, all models, all markets, or all derivatives. If your vehicle make, model, or derivative is listed below, it is your duty to approach your manufacturer, or dealer, to determine the applicability of the applicable recall to your specific vehicles. No warranty is expressed or implied with regards to the accuracy or applicability of recall data published anywhere on our site, to any specific vehicle, derivative, or line. Manufacturers and dealers are typically capable of interrogating internal systems and international bulletins to see which units are subject to recall intervention, by VIN Number. 

2024 – 04 – 20
Honda CR-V (2018 – 2022)
Recall # 6FA

The battery cable connecting the battery to the fuse box is not fitted with a fuse. In the event of a collision, the battery cable could be damaged if it is trapped against the vehicle’s body. This can lead to a short circuit and possible overheating of the battery cable, which creates a risk of fire and injury.

The Honda CR-V vehicles affected by this recall were manufactured between 1 May 2018 and 1 July 2022.

Honda recall code: 6FA  Affected models: CR-V
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 427,382

Source: Rapex Alert 16/2024 A12/00944/24

2024 – 03 – 24
Honda ZR-V (2023)
Recall # 6HL

The right-hand front seat’s headrest may have been bent forward during installation. This can increase the risk of injuries in the event of an accident.

The Honda ZR-V vehicles affected by this recall were manufactured between 6 April and 11 September 2023.

Honda recall code: 6HL  Affected models: ZR-V
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 4,024

Source: Rapex Alert 12/2024 A12/00752/24

2023 – 12 – 10
Honda Odyssey (2018 – 2019)
Recall # 6XL, 6XR

Due to improper manufacturing of the belt buckle channel, the front seat belt buckles (driver or passenger side) may not lock properly. This could affect the restraining capacity of the safety-belt and increase the risk of injury in the event of an accident.

The Honda Odyssey vehicles affected by this recall were manufactured between 27 February 2018 and 10 September 2019.

Honda recall code: 6XL, 6XR  Affected models: CR-V, Odyssey
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 541,917

Source: Rapex Alert 49/2023 A12/02977/23

2023 – 12 – 10
Honda CR-V (2018 – 2019)
Recall # 6XL, 6XR

Due to improper manufacturing of the belt buckle channel, the front seat belt buckles (driver or passenger side) may not lock properly. This could affect the restraining capacity of the safety-belt and increase the risk of injury in the event of an accident.

The Honda CR-V vehicles affected by this recall were manufactured between 27 February 2018 and 10 September 2019.

Honda recall code: 6XL, 6XR  Affected models: CR-V, Odyssey
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 541,917

Source: Rapex Alert 49/2023 A12/02977/23

2023 – 07 – 25
Honda Pilot (2020 – 2021)
Recall # 6BJ

The brake master cylinder may detach, affecting the braking performance and creating a risk of an accident.

The Honda Pilot vehicles affected by this recall were manufactured between 8 October 2020 and 7 January 2021.

Honda recall code: 6BJ  Affected models: Civic, Pilot, Passport
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 137,026

Source: Rapex Alert 29/2023 A12/01678/23

2023 – 07 – 25
Honda Passport (2020 – 2021)
Recall # 6BJ

The brake master cylinder may detach, affecting the braking performance and creating a risk of an accident.

The Honda Passport vehicles affected by this recall were manufactured between 8 October 2020 and 7 January 2021.

Honda recall code: 6BJ  Affected models: Civic, Pilot, Passport
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 137,026

Source: Rapex Alert 29/2023 A12/01678/23

2023 – 07 – 25
Honda Civic (2020 – 2021)
Recall # 6BJ

The brake master cylinder may detach, affecting the braking performance and creating a risk of an accident.

The Honda Civic vehicles affected by this recall were manufactured between 8 October 2020 and 7 January 2021.

Honda recall code: 6BJ  Affected models: Civic, Pilot, Passport
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 137,026

Source: Rapex Alert 29/2023 A12/01678/23

2023 – 05 – 14
Honda Civic (2022)
Recall # 6YC

The driver’s seat frame may break due to continuous external stress. In the event of an accident, this can prevent the driver restraint system from functioning, increasing the risk of injury.

The Honda Civic and Civic Type R vehicles affected by this recall were manufactured between 21 July and 21 October 2022.

Honda recall code: 6YC  Affected models: Civic, Civic TYPE R
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 1,657

Source: Rapex Alert 19/2023 A12/01030/23