Recall data is supplied for information purposes only. The data is received from independent international resources. All recalls might not apply to all vehicles, all models, all markets, or all derivatives. If your vehicle make, model, or derivative is listed below, it is your duty to approach your manufacturer, or dealer, to determine the applicability of the applicable recall to your specific vehicles. No warranty is expressed or implied with regards to the accuracy or applicability of recall data published anywhere on our site, to any specific vehicle, derivative, or line. Manufacturers and dealers are typically capable of interrogating internal systems and international bulletins to see which units are subject to recall intervention, by VIN Number. 

2024 – 06 – 30
Jeep Grand Cherokee (2020 – 2023)
Recall # 10B

The upper control arm clamping screw may have been damaged during vehicle assembly. If it breaks, the clamping force between the control arm ball joint and the steering knuckle could be lost. This could cause the wheel to detach, creating a risk of accidents and injuries.

The Jeep Grand Cherokee vehicles affected by this recall were manufactured between 3 December 2020 and 30 May 2023.

Jeep recall code: 10B  Affected models: Grand Cherokee
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 375,141

Source: Rapex Alert 26/2024 A12/01644/24

2024 – 03 – 11
Jeep Grand Wagoneer (2021 – 2023)
Recall # A7A

A safety belt buckle in the third row may not be accessible or may be damaged, which may prevent a passenger from using their seatbelt, increasing the risk of injury in the event of an accident.

The Jeep Grand Wagoneer vehicles affected by this recall were manufactured between 24 February 2021 and 11 September 2023.

Jeep recall code: A7A  Affected models: Wagoneer, Grand Wagoneer
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 105,106

Source: Rapex Alert 10/2024 A12/00618/24

2024 – 03 – 11
Jeep Wagoneer (2021 – 2023)
Recall # A7A

A safety belt buckle in the third row may not be accessible or may be damaged, which may prevent a passenger from using their seatbelt, increasing the risk of injury in the event of an accident.

The Jeep Wagoneer vehicles affected by this recall were manufactured between 24 February 2021 and 11 September 2023.

Jeep recall code: A7A  Affected models: Wagoneer, Grand Wagoneer
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 105,106

Source: Rapex Alert 10/2024 A12/00618/24

2023 – 12 – 10
Jeep Grand Cherokee (2021 – 2022)
Recall # Z24

Second row seats may have missing welds between the seat back frame and the anchor of the child seat on one or both seats. As a result, the anchor can completely detach from the vehicle seat, increasing the risk of injury to the child seat occupant in case of an accident.

The Jeep Grand Cherokee vehicles affected by this recall were manufactured between 13 October 2021 and 2 February 2022.

Jeep recall code: Z24  Affected models: Grand Cherokee
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 4,853

Source: Rapex Alert 49/2023 A12/02976/23

2023 – 12 – 10
Jeep Grand Wagoneer (2021 – 2022)
Recall # 76A

Due to improper placement of the upper B-pillar trim, deployment of the side airbag curtain (SABIC) may be compromised. As a result, the airbag provides inadequate protection, increasing the risk of injury in the event of an accident.

The Jeep Grand Wagoneer vehicles affected by this recall were manufactured between 24 February 2021 and 6 July 2022.

Jeep recall code: 76A  Affected models: Wagoneer, Grand Wagoneer
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 48,030

Source: Rapex Alert 49/2023 A12/02979/23

2023 – 09 – 17
Jeep Grand Cherokee (2020 – 2023)
Recall # 64A

The rear coil springs may be defective and can become detached while the vehicle is in motion, creating a risk of an accident.

The Jeep Grand Cherokee vehicles affected by this recall were manufactured between 5 December 2020 and 31 May 2023.

Jeep recall code: 64A  Affected models: Grand Cherokee
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 354,208

Source: Rapex Alert 37/2023 A12/02184/23

2023 – 09 – 17
Jeep Grand Cherokee (2021 – 2023)
Recall # 58A

The steering column intermediate shaft can detach from the U-joint, causing the steering control to fail, increasing the risk of an accident.

The Jeep Grand Cherokee vehicles affected by this recall were manufactured between 27 January 2021 and 4 April 2023.

Jeep recall code: 58A  Affected models: Grand Cherokee
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 99,987

Source: Rapex Alert 37/2023 A12/02204/23

2023 – 07 – 08
Jeep Cherokee (2015 – 2016)
Recall # 45A

The connection between the transmission and the differential could become disrupted, which can lead to a sudden loss of driving force while in motion or to the failure of the parking function when stationary, creating a risk of an accident.

The Jeep Cherokee vehicles affected by this recall were manufactured between 3 September 2015 and 23 September 2023.

Jeep recall code: 45A  Affected models: Cherokee
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 39,638

Source: Rapex Alert 27/2023 A12/01543/23

2023 – 06 – 27
Jeep Renegade (2022 – 2023)
Recall # 59A

A production error in the electric battery can harm its function due to penetration of water. This can cause the battery to overheat, creating a risk of fire.

The Jeep Renegade vehicles affected by this recall were manufactured between 9 November 2022 and 9 March 2023.

Jeep recall code: 59A  Affected models: Compass 1.5l MHEV, Renegade 1.5l MHEV
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 7,243

Source: Rapex Alert 25/2023 A12/01401/23

2023 – 06 – 27
Jeep Compass (2022 – 2023)
Recall # 59A

A production error in the electric battery can harm its function due to penetration of water. This can cause the battery to overheat, creating a risk of fire.

The Jeep Compass vehicles affected by this recall were manufactured between 9 November 2022 and 9 March 2023.

Jeep recall code: 59A  Affected models: Compass 1.5l MHEV, Renegade 1.5l MHEV
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 7,243

Source: Rapex Alert 25/2023 A12/01401/23

2023 – 02 – 24
Jeep Gladiator (2021)
Recall # Z95

The seat belt retractor may malfunction, which can lead to an impairment of the restraint function in case of an accident, increasing the risk of injury.

The Jeep Gladiator vehicles affected by this recall were manufactured between 22 November and 23 December 2021.

Jeep recall code: Z95  Affected models: JT (Gladiator), JL (Wrangler)
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 2,185

Source: Rapex Alert 08/2023 A12/00390/23