Recall data is supplied for information purposes only. The data is received from independent international resources. All recalls might not apply to all vehicles, all models, all markets, or all derivatives. If your vehicle make, model, or derivative is listed below, it is your duty to approach your manufacturer, or dealer, to determine the applicability of the applicable recall to your specific vehicles. No warranty is expressed or implied with regards to the accuracy or applicability of recall data published anywhere on our site, to any specific vehicle, derivative, or line. Manufacturers and dealers are typically capable of interrogating internal systems and international bulletins to see which units are subject to recall intervention, by VIN Number. 

2024 – 06 – 17
Volvo EX30 (2023 – 2024)
Recall # R10273

The central display can malfunction due to a software issue. This can lead the display to fail to start, obscuring the car’s speedometer reading and hindering the driver’s ability to monitor speed. This increases the risk of driving at inappropriate speeds which can cause accidents and injuries.

The Volvo EX30 vehicles affected by this recall were manufactured between 2023 and 2024.

Volvo recall code: R10273  Affected models: EX30
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 71,956

Source: Rapex Alert 24/2024 A12/01527/24

2024 – 02 – 10
Volvo XC40 (2023 – 2024)
Recall # R10256

The rear left blinker may fail to function when activated. This could prevent the driver from signalling his intentions to surrounding traffic, increasing the risk of an accident.

The Volvo XC40 model year 2024, produced in 2023, is being recalled.

Volvo recall code: R10256  Affected models: XC40
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 104,972

Source: Rapex Alert 6/2024 A12/00269/24

2023 – 12 – 23
Volvo XC90 (2015 – 2023)
Recall # R10259

The second row seat belt buckle may have not been tightened to the correct torque. As a result, the seat belt may not provide sufficient protection for the second row passengers in the event of an accident, increasing the risk of injury.

The MY 2015 – 2024 Volvo XC90 vehicles are affected by this recall.

Volvo recall code: R10259  Affected models: XC90  Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 8,555

Source: Rapex Alert 51/2023 A12/03124/23

2023 – 12 – 03
Volvo S60 (2019 – 2023)
Recall # R10254

An insufficient torque might have been applied to the front passenger airbag fixings. Consequently, in the event of an accident the airbag might not properly deploy, increasing the risk of injuries.

The MY 2019 to 2024 Volvo S60 vehicles are affected by this recall.

Volvo recall code: R10254  Affected models: S60
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 585

Source: Rapex Alert 48/2023 A12/02954/23

2023 – 09 – 19
Volvo XC40 (2022 – 2023)
Recall # R10248

The O-ring used to seal the connections in the oil line has an inadequate diameter. This could lead to the O-ring twisting and then breaking, which can cause an oil leak, increasing the risk of fire.

The Volvo XC40 vehicles affected by this recall were manufactured between 2022 and 2023.

Volvo recall code: R10248  Affected models: V60, S60, XC40
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 58,245

Source: Rapex Alert 37/2023 A12/02214/23

2023 – 09 – 19
Volvo V60 (2022 – 2023)
Recall # R10248

The O-ring used to seal the connections in the oil line has an inadequate diameter. This could lead to the O-ring twisting and then breaking, which can cause an oil leak, increasing the risk of fire.

The Volvo V60 vehicles affected by this recall were manufactured between 2022 and 2023.

Volvo recall code: R10248   Affected models: V60, S60, XC40
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 58,245

Source: Rapex Alert 37/2023 A12/02214/23

2023 – 09 – 19
Volvo S60 (2022 – 2023)
Recall # R10248

The O-ring used to seal the connections in the oil line has an inadequate diameter. This could lead to the O-ring twisting and then breaking, which can cause an oil leak, increasing the risk of fire.

The Volvo S60 vehicles affected by this recall were manufactured between 2022 and 2023.

Volvo recall code: R10248  Affected models: V60, S60, XC40
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 58,245

Source: Rapex Alert 37/2023 A12/02214/23

2023 – 09 – 10
Polestar 2 (2022)
Recall # R10245

A front suspension bearing can detach which can affect the manoeuvrability of the vehicle, creating a risk of an accident.

The Polestar 2 vehicles affected by this recall were manufactured between 27 and 30 December 2022.

Polestar recall code: R10245  Affected models: Polestar 2
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 236

Source: Rapex Alert 36/2023 A12/02025/23

2023 – 02 – 09
Volvo XC90 (2022)
Recall # R10217

A software error in the brake control module can lead to a loss of braking power, creating a risk of an accident.

The Model year 2023 Volvo XC90 vehicles produced in 2022 are affected by this recall.

Volvo recall code: R10217  Affected models: XC40, C40, S60, V60, V60 Cross Country, XC60, S90, S90L, V90, V90 Cross Country, XC90
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 106,691

Source: Rapex Alert 05/2023 A12/00184/23

2023 – 02 – 09
Volvo XC60 (2022)
Recall # R10217

A software error in the brake control module can lead to a loss of braking power, creating a risk of an accident.

The Model year 2023 Volvo XC60 vehicles produced in 2022 are affected by this recall.

Volvo recall code: R10217  Affected models: XC40, C40, S60, V60, V60 Cross Country, XC60, S90, S90L, V90, V90 Cross Country, XC90
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 106,691

Source: Rapex Alert 05/2023 A12/00184/23

2023 – 02 – 09
Volvo XC40 (2022)
Recall # R10217

A software error in the brake control module can lead to a loss of braking power, creating a risk of an accident.

The Model year 2023 Volvo XC40 vehicles produced in 2022 are affected by this recall.

Volvo recall code: R10217  Affected models: XC40, C40, S60, V60, V60 Cross Country, XC60, S90, S90L, V90, V90 Cross Country, XC90
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 106,691

Source: Rapex Alert 05/2023 A12/00184/23

2023 – 02 – 09
Volvo V90 Cross Country (2022)
Recall # R10217

A software error in the brake control module can lead to a loss of braking power, creating a risk of an accident.

The Model year 2023 Volvo V90 Cross Country vehicles produced in 2022 are affected by this recall.

Volvo recall code: R10217  Affected models: XC40, C40, S60, V60, V60 Cross Country, XC60, S90, S90L, V90, V90 Cross Country, XC90
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 106,691

Source: Rapex Alert 05/2023 A12/00184/23

2023 – 02 – 09
Volvo V90 (2022)
Recall # R10217

A software error in the brake control module can lead to a loss of braking power, creating a risk of an accident.

The Model year 2023 Volvo V90 vehicles produced in 2022 are affected by this recall.

Volvo recall code: R10217 Affected models: XC40, C40, S60, V60, V60 Cross Country, XC60, S90, S90L, V90, V90 Cross Country, XC90
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 106,691

Source: Rapex Alert 05/2023 A12/00184/23

2023 – 02 – 09
Volvo V60 Cross Country (2022)
Recall # R10217

A software error in the brake control module can lead to a loss of braking power, creating a risk of an accident.

The Model year 2023 Volvo V60 Cross Country vehicles produced in 2022 are affected by this recall.

Volvo recall code: R10217  Affected models: XC40, C40, S60, V60, V60 Cross Country, XC60, S90, S90L, V90, V90 Cross Country, XC90
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 106,691

Source: Rapex Alert 05/2023 A12/00184/23

2023 – 02 – 09
Volvo V60 (2022)
Recall # R10217

A software error in the brake control module can lead to a loss of braking power, creating a risk of an accident.

The Model year 2023 Volvo V60 vehicles produced in 2022 are affected by this recall.

Volvo recall code: R10217  Affected models: XC40, C40, S60, V60, V60 Cross Country, XC60, S90, S90L, V90, V90 Cross Country, XC90
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 106,691

Source: Rapex Alert 05/2023 A12/00184/23

2023 – 02 – 09
Volvo C60 (2022)
Recall # R10217

A software error in the brake control module can lead to a loss of braking power, creating a risk of an accident.

The Model year 2023 Volvo S60 vehicles produced in 2022 are affected by this recall.

Volvo recall code: R10217  Affected models: XC40, C40, S60, V60, V60 Cross Country, XC60, S90, S90L, V90, V90 Cross Country, XC90
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 106,691

Source: Rapex Alert 05/2023 A12/00184/23

2023 – 02 – 09
Volvo C40 (2022)
Recall # R10217

A software error in the brake control module can lead to a loss of braking power, creating a risk of an accident.

The Model year 2023 Volvo C40 vehicles produced in 2022 are affected by this recall.

Volvo recall code: R10217  Affected models: XC40, C40, S60, V60, V60 Cross Country, XC60, S90, S90L, V90, V90 Cross Country, XC90
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 106,691

Source: Rapex Alert 05/2023 A12/00184/23

2023 – 01 – 15
Volvo XC90 (2018 – 2022)
Recall # R10213

Due to a manufacturing defect, there may be a loose item within the steering gear. This can cause the steering to lock while driving, increasing the risk of an accident.

The MY 2019 – 2022 Volvo XC90 vehicles are affected by this recall.

Volvo recall code: R10213  Affected models: Volvo V60 Cross Country (227), V90 Cross Country (236), XC60 (246), XC90 (256)
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 192

Source: Rapex Alert 02/2023 A12/00059/23

2023 – 01 – 15
Volvo XC60 (2018 – 2022)
Recall # R10213

Due to a manufacturing defect, there may be a loose item within the steering gear. This can cause the steering to lock while driving, increasing the risk of an accident.

The MY 2019 – 2022 Volvo XC60 vehicles are affected by this recall.

Volvo recall code: R10213  Affected models: Volvo V60 Cross Country (227), V90 Cross Country (236), XC60 (246), XC90 (256)
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 192

Source: Rapex Alert 02/2023 A12/00059/23

2023 – 01 – 14
Volvo V80 Cross Country (2018 – 2022)
Recall # R10213

Due to a manufacturing defect, there may be a loose item within the steering gear. This can cause the steering to lock while driving, increasing the risk of an accident.

The MY 2019 – 2022 Volvo V90 Cross Country vehicles are affected by this recall.

Volvo recall code: R10213  Affected models: Volvo V60 Cross Country (227), V90 Cross Country (236), XC60 (246), XC90 (256)
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 192

Source: Rapex Alert 02/2023 A12/00059/23


2023 – 01 – 14
Volvo V60 Cross Country (2018 – 2022)
Recall # R10213

Due to a manufacturing defect, there may be a loose item within the steering gear. This can cause the steering to lock while driving, increasing the risk of an accident.

The MY 2019 – 2022 Volvo V60 Cross Country vehicles are affected by this recall.

Volvo recall code: R10213  Affected models: Volvo V60 Cross Country (227), V90 Cross Country (236), XC60 (246), XC90 (256)
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 192

Source: Rapex Alert 02/2023 A12/00059/23