Recall data is supplied for information purposes only. The data is received from independent international resources. All recalls might not apply to all vehicles, all models, all markets, or all derivatives. If your vehicle make, model, or derivative is listed below, it is your duty to approach your manufacturer, or dealer, to determine the applicability of the applicable recall to your specific vehicles. No warranty is expressed or implied with regards to the accuracy or applicability of recall data published anywhere on our site, to any specific vehicle, derivative, or line. Manufacturers and dealers are typically capable of interrogating internal systems and international bulletins to see which units are subject to recall intervention, by VIN Number. 

2024 – 06 – 17
Audi E-Tron GT (2020 – 2024)
Recall # 93VN

Certain battery modules may have anomalies in their key parameters. This may result in a defect in the affected modules, leading to increased risk of fire.

The Audi e-tron GT vehicles affected by this recall were manufactured between 9 January 2020 and 16 February 2024.

Audi recall code: 93VN  Affected models: e-tron GT, RS e-tron GT
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 7,697

Source: Rapex Alert 24/2024 A12/01575/24

2024 -02 – 26
Audi E-Tron (2018 – 2022)
Recall # 93U9, 93V2

Voltage losses in individual cell modules of the high-voltage battery may lead to thermal overload. This could lead to an increased risk of fire.

The Audi e-tron vehicles affected by this recall were manufactured between 16 March 2018 and 11 March 2022.

Audi recall code: 93U9, 93V2  Affected models: e-tron
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 42,668

Source: Rapex Alert 8/2024 A12/00407/24

2024 -02 – 26
Audi Q7 (2023)
Recall # 69GA

The side airbag is insufficiently secured to the front left-hand side of the seat frame. As a result, it may not be able to deploy correctly in the event of an accident, increasing the risk of injury to the occupants.

The Audi Q7 vehicles affected by this recall were manufactured between 11 August and 19 December 2023.

Audi recall code: 69GA  Affected models: Q7, Q8, RSQ8
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 3,598

Source: Rapex Alert 8/2024 A12/00409/24

2024 -02 – 26
Audi Q8 (2023)
Recall # 69GA

The side airbag is insufficiently secured to the front left-hand side of the seat frame. As a result, it may not be able to deploy correctly in the event of an accident, increasing the risk of injury to the occupants.

The Audi Q8 vehicles affected by this recall were manufactured between 11 August and 19 December 2023.

Audi recall code: 69GA  Affected models: Q7, Q8, RSQ8
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 3,598

Source: Rapex Alert 8/2024 A12/00409/24

2023 – 12 – 15
Audi A4 (2023)
Recall # 72N5

A defective welding seam on the front seat back frame can break in the event of an accident. As a result, the person sitting in the seat may hit their head on the B-pillar, increasing the risk of injury.

The Audi A4 vehicles affected by this recall were manufactured between 1 and 20 June 2023.

Audi recall code: 72N5  Affected models: A4, A5, Q3, Q7, Q8
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 1,149

Source: Rapex Alert 50/2023 A12/03031/23

2023 – 12 – 15
Audi A5 (2023)
Recall # 72N5

A defective welding seam on the front seat back frame can break in the event of an accident. As a result, the person sitting in the seat may hit their head on the B-pillar, increasing the risk of injury.

The Audi A5 vehicles affected by this recall were manufactured between 1 and 20 June 2023.

Audi recall code: 72N5  Affected models: A4, A5, Q3, Q7, Q8
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 1,149

Source: Rapex Alert 50/2023 A12/03031/23

2023 – 12 – 15
Audi Q3 (2023)
Recall # 72N5

A defective welding seam on the front seat back frame can break in the event of an accident. As a result, the person sitting in the seat may hit their head on the B-pillar, increasing the risk of injury.

The Audi Q3 vehicles affected by this recall were manufactured between 1 and 20 June 2023.

Audi recall code: 72N5  Affected models: A4, A5, Q3, Q7, Q8
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 1,149

Source: Rapex Alert 50/2023 A12/03031/23

2023 – 12 – 15
Audi Q7 (2023)
Recall # 72N5

A defective welding seam on the front seat back frame can break in the event of an accident. As a result, the person sitting in the seat may hit their head on the B-pillar, increasing the risk of injury.

The Audi Q7 vehicles affected by this recall were manufactured between 1 and 20 June 2023.

Audi recall code: 72N5  Affected models: A4, A5, Q3, Q7, Q8
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 1,149

Source: Rapex Alert 50/2023 A12/03031/23

2023 – 12 – 15
Audi Q8 (2023)
Recall # 72N5

A defective welding seam on the front seat back frame can break in the event of an accident. As a result, the person sitting in the seat may hit their head on the B-pillar, increasing the risk of injury.

The Audi Q8 vehicles affected by this recall were manufactured between 1 and 20 June 2023.

Audi recall code: 72N5  Affected models: A4, A5, Q3, Q7, Q8
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 1,149

Source: Rapex Alert 50/2023 A12/03031/23

2023 – 07 – 24
Audi Q4 e-tron (2023)
Recall # 68J1

The airbag control unit maybe defective, in some cases without the airbag warning light being activated. The airbags can fail to activate in case of an accident.

The Audi Q4 e-tron vehicles affected by this recall were manufactured between 16 and 20 March 2023.

Audi recall code: 68J1  Affected models: Q4 e-tron, Q4 e-tron Sportback
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 261

Source: Rapex Alert 29/2023 A12/01653/23

2023 – 04 – 16
Audi Q5 (2008 – 2012)
Recall # 69EP

The airbag may deteriorate over time, and if deployed, excessive internal pressure may cause the inflator body to burst, and metal fragments could pass through the cushion material, causing injury to occupants.

The Audi Q5 vehicles affected by this recall were fitted with Takata airbags and manufactured between 13 September 2008 and 26 November 2012.

Audi recall code: 69EP  Affected models: A5, Q5, Q5 Hybrid, SQ5 TDI, SQ5 TDI plus
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 295,900

Source: Rapex Alert 15/2023 A12/00784/23

2023 – 04 – 16
Audi A5 (2008 – 2012)
Recall # 69EP

The airbag may deteriorate over time, and if deployed, excessive internal pressure may cause the inflator body to burst, and metal fragments could pass through the cushion material, causing injury to occupants.

The Audi A5 vehicles affected by this recall were fitted with Takata airbags and manufactured between 13 September 2008 and 26 November 2012.

Audi recall code: 69EP  Affected models: A5, Q5, Q5 Hybrid, SQ5 TDI, SQ5 TDI plus
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 295,900

Source: Rapex Alert 15/2023 A12/00784/23

2023 – 04 – 16
Audi TT (2014 – 2017)
Recall # 69ER

The airbag may deteriorate over time, and if deployed, excessive internal pressure may cause the inflator body to burst, and metal fragments could pass through the cushion material, causing injury to occupants.

The Audi TT vehicles affected by this recall were fitted with Takata airbags and manufactured between 3 September 2014 and 11 February 2017.

Audi recall code: 69ER  Affected models: TTS Coupé, TT Coupé, TTS Roadster, TT Roadster, TT RS Coupé, TT RS Roadster, R8 Coupé, R8 Spyder
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 24,573

Source: Rapex Alert 15/2023 A12/00785/23

2023 – 04 – 16
Audi R8 (2014 – 2017)
Recall # 69ER

The airbag may deteriorate over time, and if deployed, excessive internal pressure may cause the inflator body to burst, and metal fragments could pass through the cushion material, causing injury to occupants.

The Audi R8 vehicles affected by this recall were fitted with Takata airbags and manufactured between 3 September 2014 and 11 February 2017.

Audi recall code: 69ER  Affected models: TTS Coupé, TT Coupé, TTS Roadster, TT Roadster, TT RS Coupé, TT RS Roadster, R8 Coupé, R8 Spyder
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 24,573

Source: Rapex Alert 15/2023 A12/00785/23

2023 – 04 – 16
Audi RS6 (2004 – 2011)
Recall # 69EQ

The airbag may deteriorate over time, and if deployed, excessive internal pressure may cause the inflator body to burst, and metal fragments could pass through the cushion material, causing injury to occupants.

The Audi RS6 vehicles affected by this recall were fitted with Takata airbags and manufactured between 23 February 2004 and 3 August 2011.

Audi recall code: 69EQ  Affected models: A4, S4, A4 Cabriolet, S4 Cabriolet, RS4, RS4 Cabriolet, A6, S6, A6 Allroad Quattro, RS6
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 824,891

Source: Rapex Alert 15/2023 A12/00788/23

2023 – 04 – 16
Audi S6 (2004 – 2011)
Recall # 69EQ

The airbag may deteriorate over time, and if deployed, excessive internal pressure may cause the inflator body to burst, and metal fragments could pass through the cushion material, causing injury to occupants.

The Audi S6 vehicles affected by this recall were fitted with Takata airbags and manufactured between 23 February 2004 and 3 August 2011.

Audi recall code: 69EQ  Affected models: A4, S4, A4 Cabriolet, S4 Cabriolet, RS4, RS4 Cabriolet, A6, S6, A6 Allroad Quattro, RS6
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 824,891

Source: Rapex Alert 15/2023 A12/00788/23

2023 – 04 – 16
Audi A6 (2004 – 2011)
Recall # 69EQ

The airbag may deteriorate over time, and if deployed, excessive internal pressure may cause the inflator body to burst, and metal fragments could pass through the cushion material, causing injury to occupants.

The Audi A6 vehicles affected by this recall were fitted with Takata airbags and manufactured between 23 February 2004 and 3 August 2011.

Audi recall code: 69EQ  Affected models: A4, S4, A4 Cabriolet, S4 Cabriolet, RS4, RS4 Cabriolet, A6, S6, A6 Allroad Quattro, RS6
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 824,891

Source: Rapex Alert 15/2023 A12/00788/23

2023 – 04 – 16
Audi S4 (2004 – 2011)
Recall # 69EQ

The airbag may deteriorate over time, and if deployed, excessive internal pressure may cause the inflator body to burst, and metal fragments could pass through the cushion material, causing injury to occupants.

The Audi S4 vehicles affected by this recall were fitted with Takata airbags and manufactured between 23 February 2004 and 3 August 2011.

Audi recall code: 69EQ  Affected models: A4, S4, A4 Cabriolet, S4 Cabriolet, RS4, RS4 Cabriolet, A6, S6, A6 Allroad Quattro, RS6
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 824,891

Source: Rapex Alert 15/2023 A12/00788/23

2023 – 04 – 16
Audi A4 (2004 – 2011)
Recall # 69EQ

The airbag may deteriorate over time, and if deployed, excessive internal pressure may cause the inflator body to burst, and metal fragments could pass through the cushion material, causing injury to occupants.

The Audi A4 vehicles affected by this recall were fitted with Takata airbags and manufactured between 23 February 2004 and 3 August 2011.

Audi recall code: 69EQ  Affected models: A4, S4, A4 Cabriolet, S4 Cabriolet, RS4, RS4 Cabriolet, A6, S6, A6 Allroad Quattro, RS6
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 824,891

Source: Rapex Alert 15/2023 A12/00788/23