Stan Bezuidenhout on regular drivers and insurance

Insurance policies are a cornerstone of financial security, providing individuals and families with protection against unexpected losses. However, recent observations suggest that insurers may be intentionally crafting policy wording to be ambiguous, allowing them to subjectively deny claims based on their current financial stance or claims ratio. This practice is particularly evident in the interpretation of the term “regular driver,” which remains undefined despite numerous inquiries to South African insurers. The Ambiguity of “Regular Driver” In May 2024, a survey was conducted via Twitter where multiple South African insurers were asked to clarify what constitutes a “regular driver.” The responses,

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Stan Bezuidenhout on fighting Insurance Repudiation

In South Africa, insurance is not mandatory, leading to a significant portion of vehicles being uninsured. This situation has ramifications, such as inflated insurance premiums and a higher risk burden on fewer insured motorists. The economic downturn induced by the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated this scenario, with many individuals prioritizing essential expenses over insurance premiums. As insurers grapple with increased loss-of-income claims and dwindling clientele, they resort to various strategies to maintain competitiveness while mitigating risks. However, the insured public often remains unaware of critical issues influencing insurance claim repudiation, such as: 1. Crafted Policy Wordings: Insurers offering reduced premiums or

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Stan Bezuidenhout on 2023/4 Festive Season

Fatal Crash on 15 December 2023, N1 near Beaufort West, Western Cape. This article was written for, and originally appeared on and on Every year, during the December Holidays, we wait with bated breath to hear the latest horror statistics that invariably come out as holiday makers rush to the coast or their respective destinations. In the lead-up to this, we hear a lot from Government and Law Enforcement Agencies about their plans and programs. The narrative invariably includes “zero tolerance” and “deployment on national roads.” Once again, the Government announced, on 4 December 2023 already, that “Traffic

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Gas explosions in Johannesburg – what’s going on!?

Recent LP gas incidents in Johannesburg, have drawn attention to the critical need for safety protocols and preparedness when dealing with gas-related incidents or maintenance work. In this article, we will delve into the specifics of the latest incident, assess the response strategies, and explore the imperative of refined safety measures in conjunction with comprehensive emergency response protocols. Emergency services, including the Johannesburg Emergency Management Services (EMS), swiftly responded to these incidents. However, there have been discrepancies in the reports regarding the number of injuries. EMS spokesperson Nana Radebe confirmed five injuries, but TV News reports by the City Manager

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Mass Shootings in Texas – is it a “gun law” issue?

Let’s talk about mass shootings. Let’s talk about Texas, as well, while we’re at it. So, we now know that Texas is making headlines again after the active attack at the Allen Mall. I have already started seeing social media posts, framing Active Attacks and gun laws in Texas, as if there is a connection. Is there? To address the massive elephant in the room, I’ll ask the question: Is there a nexus between the gun laws in Texas and the active attacks taking place there? Why Texas? To understand the issue, we will (unfortunately) have to visit the history

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Why settling for less in forensic investigations could cost Transporters everything

In recent months, South Africa has seen some of the most horrific commercial crashes ever. In January, at least 5 people died when a runaway truck ploughed into parked taxis in Roodepoort. On 14 February, a bus and an armored truck collided in Limpopo, killing 20 and injuring 60. In March, a runaway truck collided with more than 50 vehicles, injuring 16 on the M41 in Durban KZN. The horrible Boksburg Tanker Explosion that happened on 24 December last year, ultimately killing over 40 people, cannot be ignored. As transporters, you need to realize that the risk of road traffic

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Stay Safe on the Roads: Understanding the Easter Long Weekend’s Risk of Road Accidents

  The Easter long weekend is one of the busiest times on the roads in South Africa. It is a time for families to come together, for religious observance, and for relaxation. However, it is also a time when the risk of road accidents and fatalities increases significantly. According to the Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC), road fatalities in South Africa have been on the rise in recent years. In 2021, there were over 1,300 fatalities recorded over the Easter period alone. This article will discuss the causes of road accidents during the Easter long weekend, the consequences of these

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How to fight or avoid insurance claim repudiation

Experiencing an insurance repudiation can be a highly stressful situation and can potentially cause significant financial burdens. As a policyholder, it is important to recognize that even if you have been honest and innocent in your claim, it can still be repudiated on technicalities that may exceed your level of expertise. During the initial assessment of your risk, insurance companies will ask various questions such as your age, sex, address, assets, and prior claims history. Based on the level of risk associated with insuring you, they will provide a rate – the cost of insurance – which represents the cost

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Ten Reasons Why Insurance Companies Should Not Repudiate Claims Based On Expert Reports That Focus Solely On Speed:

1 – Speed is just one factor: Speed is just one of many factors that can contribute to an accident. Other factors such as road conditions, weather, visibility, and driver behavior also play a crucial role in determining the cause of an accident. 2 – Human error: Expert reports focusing only on speed can be flawed and subject to human error, particularly if the expert does not have all the necessary information to make an accurate assessment. 3 – Inadequate data:  In some cases, expert reports focusing only on speed may not have enough data to make a proper assessment

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The Top 5 Human Factors Contributing to Road Traffic Collisions – And How to Avoid Them

Road traffic collisions are a leading cause of death and injury globally, with millions of lives lost or affected each year. While there are numerous factors that can contribute to collisions, human factors are among the most significant.  Studies have shown that up to 90% of all collisions are attributed to human error. Understanding and addressing these factors is essential for reducing the incidence and severity of collisions. In this article, we will discuss the top 5 human factors contributing to road traffic collisions and strategies for avoiding them. Distracted Driving Perhaps the most well-known human factor contributing to collisions

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BLEVE Accident Advice

When a collision involves a truck transporting highly flammable substances such as propane, butane, or liquid petroleum gases, it can pose significant danger. These materials are recognized for their high explosiveness, and a collision can lead to fire outbreak or even an explosion. It is crucial to avoid approaching, observing, or capturing footage of a collision involving a truck carrying such hazardous substances, as it can be extremely hazardous. The recent occurrence in Boksburg serves as a poignant reminder of the severe consequences that can ensue if these hazards are not taken seriously. In the event of such a circumstance,

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Bail for Police Officers too low

In a recent case, two police officers, including a senior officer, have been arrested and charged with corruption, defeating the ends of justice, blackmail, and kidnapping. The officers, who were arrested in Witbank, stand accused of detaining thirteen alleged undocumented aliens and demanding a release ransom of R10,000. According to Mr. Stan Bezuidenhout, a former Specialist Police Reservist and Forensic Specialist with over 22 years of international experience, in cases where law enforcement officials are arrested for illegal activity involving monetary value, they should not be released on bail amounts lower than the amounts extorted, demanded, or collected. “If a

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Does insurance cover damages caused if you drive into flood water?

As South Africa is reeling from a series of flooding, form the notorious KZN floods to the intense rains that have been relentlessly falling in several provinces, Drivers might be unaware of the implications of driving into rainwater, when this results in damages. If you look at the Ombudsman for Short-Term Insurance’s Briefcase from March 2016, the following Case Study should be seen as a warning for those thinking it’s okay to drive through deep pools of water. The Case Study reads as follows: The insured reported that his vehicle was damaged after he drove it through a flooded road.

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Bumper Bash or Smash? Here’s what to do if you are in a motor accident

Article written by:  Yaacov Steinhauer from Last week, one of my colleagues at Start My Car was involved in a minor collision on her way to work. Thankfully, no one was hurt and the damage to her vehicle was minor. The incident reminded me that road accidents can happen in an instant and are a traumatic experience which often leave the driver feeling shaken, possibly injured and unable to think clearly. For those reasons, I thought I would compile an article on what to do if you are ever involved in a road accident. That way, should you ever

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Corruption and fleet operations: Can you protect yourself?

Every year, there are literally thousands of hijackings on South African (SA) roads.  There are also as many as over a million crashes. Theft affects almost every road transporter in Africa at some time or another.  All these unpredictable, unpreventable, and uncontrollable (for the better part) losses compound to create a risk environment that causes sleepless nights, endless headaches and yes – losses.  Huge losses. But this is not another article on those risk elements.  Those topics have been covered in other articles and by other authors.  The issues of crash and crime risk – albeit a very high risk

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Hijacking recovery agents – are they involved?

When you say the word ‘risk’ many people would be forgiven to merely think ‘danger’ in the general sense.  To the common public, risk is nothing more than something you should be thinking about; but never do.  It’s a bit like contraception:  everyone knows about it, most people know when and where it should be applied but too many people are enjoying the benefits of its absence to care – that feeling of ‘freedom’ with no worries.  Oh, they’re quick to change their attitude after their little bubbles of bliss have been burst.  But they hammer on – pardon the

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When drivers become passengers

People often complain about law enforcement.  With events like the Marikana Massacre, the Oscar Pistorius trial, the Inge Lotz murder, and the Nkandla scandal fresh in our memories, it’s easy to point fingers, to complain about” the system” and to become armchair prosecutors, judges and even executioners.  But these are all actual crimes. They involve guns, victims, and “murder”, and are more entertaining to follow.   But what about loss of life in car crash cases?  How can 51 people die in a horrible bus tragedy in Zambia with no one hearing about it?  Why does Oscar shooting Reeva garner

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Roadside Barriers – are they just barriers?

In another gripping Road Ahead exclusive from renowned forensics specialist Stan Bezuidenhout, we get the inside track on the underlying defects of certain roadside barriers – which can be fatal when things go wrong On 23 August 2008, a lovely young lady – let’s call her Lisa (this is an actual case, but names are changed to protect the parties involved) – was travelling on the M3 near the University of Cape Town on a late Saturday afternoon on her way home. Lisa was alone in her little car, a white Renault Clio.  There was a Land Rover on the

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The “6 F’s”​ of Rifle Accuracy

While this is nothing near an exhaustive article, a replacement of better sources, an indictment of any technique, process, or method devised by others, or industry- or application-specific one, I felt the need to share my thoughts on some of how a rifle can be manufactured or made to be more accurate. Take note that I am not discussing how you can make yourself more accurate, choose or make ammunition more accurate, or improve your shooting skills (in this article). If you’d like me to cover those topics, please reach out. This is all about the “system” you will be using.

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Crime Scene Investigation: Polokwane Explosion

As any transporter will tell you, this industry is more suited to an expert juggling clown than to any normal, sane-thinking individual. The array of risks, challenges, requirements, vulnerabilities, and challenges is eclipsed only by the need to remain competitive, limiting costs, perfecting route selection and selecting the right tools for the job in complexity. While the average person will typically see an image of a container truck when the word ‘transport’ is used, there are as many load configurations as there are manufacturers and models of trucks, if not more. After the well-published collision and explosion occurred on the N1

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Airbags and Vehicle Occupant Safety

Wearing seatbelts is the Law for all vehicle occupants! Buckling up is simply the best way to protect both drivers and passengers. This is a message we will continue to emphasise in every road safety campaign across all the possible mediums available. Safety inside the vehicle is also increased through the latest in safety technology such as various airbags developed by vehicle manufacturers. It is important that we understand airbags, how they work, what their limitations are and how they assist in protecting vehicle occupants. We raised several questions with road crash investigator Stan Bezuidenhout to gain a better understanding

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Are we doing enough road safety research?

Let’s talk about research. No, not the white coats in labs with vials and bailing liquids type of research. Not medical research or the type where animals are stuck in cages with tubes coming out of their noses. We’re talking research on humans. Humans who die in accidents and stuff. Every year we hear the “figures” coming out. Whether it’s a minister of this or traffic chief of that, the Road Accident Fund, government’s Arrive Alive Campaign or the anti-drunk-driving lobbyists, figures are quoted with reckless abandon at around Christmas, New Year and Easter. We often hear figures quoted that sound very onerous, but the rhetoric

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ABC of Accident and Crash Investigation

Stanley Bezuidenhout is an internationally experienced crash investigator, crime scene analyst, court expert, author, trainer, and public speaker. He has committed more than 20 years of his extensive career to crash investigation and expert services in many countries, including the SADC Region of Africa, the Middle East, the United States of America, and Canada. As a Military Intelligence Veteran, a former Specialist Reservist in the South African Police, and as the owner of IBF Investigations – a private crash investigation and reconstruction business – Stan has extensive experience at live scenes and in courts at all levels. He remains active

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Crash Investigation and Repudiated Insurance Claims

With a rather dismal road safety record and hundreds of thousands of road crashes yearly in South Africa it is rather irresponsible to drive with a vehicle that is not insured. Car Insurance, even though sometimes seen as a “Grudge purchase” may save you from lengthy legal battles with other road users. Perhaps most important though is that car insurance will provide peace of mind that you will not be left to deal with severe financial hardship in having to replace your vehicle. Well, this is part of the theory of it! All is however not that simple. The contract

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Collision Advice…

Precautionary measures Before you are involved in an accident, please be sure you have the following BEFORE you go on a trip: A reliable Pen or Pencil, and a WHITE writing pad, AT LEAST A5 in size. One yellow or white WAX crayon, for marking vehicle locations. A disposable camera with at least 36 exposures, for photographing evidence and damage. A torch with fresh batteries – preferably with more than two batteries of any size. A cheap reflective jacket in case you have to flag down traffic or assist others. As many blankets as possible (at least three) – preferably

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Who Should swerve and to where to avoid the head-on crash in the same lane?

This is not an easy question to answer. We referred this rather interesting question to well-known crash reconstructionist Stan Bezuidenhout and would like to share his response! Question: “Watching vehicles overtake in places they should not be made me think about the following: If I’m in my lane and faced a vehicle head-on – 1a. which way would I swerve? 1b. which way would the other vehicle swerve? If I’m the overtaking vehicle – 2a. Do I swerve? 2b. Do I stay in the lane and move closer to the vehicle I’m overtaking? We know this is a problem that won’t go away easily –

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Social media: Can It reduce risk?

Social Media: When you say these words, images of teenagers glued to their smartphones, staff abusing company internet services and the infidelity of spouses often spring to mind…People love to hate everything called ‘social media’. You often hear people saying things like “I don’t do Facebook” or “I don’t see the point of Twitter”. Some refer to ‘Mixit’ and claim that it is used by perverts, writes forensics expert Stan Bezuidenhout. Of course, most modern, liberal, connected and innovative companies and groups have been exploiting the various social media platforms for everything from broadcasting (think news) to publication (think book releases) and even

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Vehicle Modifications, alterations and road safety

Manufacturers deliver vehicles which cater for the average driver and have settings that will provide the best (erring on the conservative) in terms of longevity, economy, ride comfort, performance. That satisfies most drivers but some, quite possibly because they can’t find/afford a “performance” model from the manufacturer will create their own. They change and alter the vehicle dynamics not only to be visually appealing in their own eyes but also for what they deem to be improvements in performance. How does this impact on road safety and would any such modifications endanger lives on the roads? We approached a few

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Speeding and Analysis of Speed in Crash Investigation

On the Arrive Alive website, we share many reports from road crashes across South Africa. The objective is not only to keep the public informed of road crashes but also to investigate and expose the contributing factors to road crashes. This allows us to share information and advice on preventing these crashes and make our roads safer. A very important theme is that of Speed. We emphasize that drivers/bikers should both obey the Rules of the Road and the Speed Limits and also adjust speed where the road, traffic and weather conditions necessitate a reduced speed to be safe. When

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Safe Driving with Trucks in the mountains

Introduction Recently, due to fires in the Outeniqua mountains, drivers had to take a detour from Oudtshoorn to George via the Robinson pass towards Mossel Bay. The Robinson pass is much more of a challenge for truck drivers as there are no “extra lanes” and the corners tend to be much sharper than on the Outeniqua pass. It was quickly evident that motorists became frustrated with the delays as they shared the mountain pass with much slower carriers of road freight. We believe it may be important to share some content on safety advice for truck drivers – and not

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