We offer Training
We acknowledge that Crash Investigation and Reconstruction and especially Expert Witness Testimony are still emerging fields, in most of Africa. While this is the case, we also acknowledge the many challenges faced by law enforcement officers, private investigators, and private individuals, in those markets. Whether you are preparing for the worst, developing new skills, enhancing current skills, or considering a career in the at-scene and post-event crash investigation field, you will need access to information and training.
On this page, we outline the different paths to enlightenment, information, training, and qualification open to you, through our various platforms and models. Our advice to any aspiring visitor to our site, or student on our training, is the same: If you are interested, motivated, willing to commit a little bit of time and effort, and eager to enhance your skills, abilities, and qualifications, we are happy to share our practical knowledge, skills, and experience.
FREE Training

Make a point of reading through the various articles we have written, and familiarize yourself with some of the ways in which we approach, interpret, and investigate cases. Whether you have been involved in a collision yourself, face an insurance repudiation, are trying to claim compensation from someone else, submit a Road Accident Fund Claim, or facing a claim or allegation, our articles are full of good examples, ideas, and suggestions for your benefit. Once you have read through our articles and watched some of our videos, you can go to your vehicle and try to take photographs. You don’t have to be perfect. You only need to try. Once you get the “feeling” for what we would typically take photographs of, you should be more confident, if you or someone close to you require a basic investigation.
ONLINE Training
Stanley Bezuidenhout is a Road Traffic Reconstructionist and Risk Analyst with IBF Investigations (Pty) Ltd and LLC – his own company, operating all over South Africa and into the rest of Africa, with an office in the USA. With experience at thousands of scenes all over South Africa and abroad since 2000, Stan has established himself as a leader and innovator in his field. His experience with the investigation and reconstruction of collisions and testimony in matters for private clients, the Road Accident Fund of South Africa, the Insurance Industry, and Heavy Commercial Transport Sector, and as a Specialist Reservist in the South African Police Service shaped his unique methods. Always the innovator, Stan developed a special 124-point protocol for the complete and detailed at-scene or post-event investigation of road traffic collisions and this protocol has earned him praise from the courts, his clients, and his peers alike. With this course, Stan is sharing the most important parts of his protocol to enable you to be an informed investigator, collecting All the Evidence.
ONGOING Training
As technology advanced, and as people become more pressed for time, the world is evolving to accommodate us all. One of the ways in which innovation has served us well, is through useful and meaningful new platforms for ongoing engagement, like Patreon. We launched a Patreon account in 2022, to give our most dedicated and committed followers a single portal of engagement for exclusive content, additional training, and information updates. By introducing four tiers of access for members of the Public, Supporters, Associates, and VIP’s, we have found a way to share information, education, and content with people based on their level of interest, engagement, or commitment. Some people simply cannot spare a week or two to attend a live course, or they might simply not be able to afford it. This platform allows us to make more information available to more people, in a more direct way, at a much-reduced cost, or even for free. Our Patreon channel is chock full of older videos, most of our online paid training, some practical training and tips, and more. Be sure to visit and enroll in the tier of your choice, today.

Practical Training is reserved for those who have a direct interest in at-scene or post-event crash investigation, interviewing of subjects, the measurement of collisions scenes, or accident analysis. Our Practical Training Courses are designed for those who are directly interested in developing their skills, enhancing their careers, protecting their interests or that of their employer, or developing further in their existing field. When we present Practical Training Courses, we do not offer “training-in-a-box” in a “catch-all” fashion.
We prefer to know more about our audience, and we adjust the training content to the specific needs of the parties we may be providing training for. If you or your organization is interested in Practical Training please reach out. If you are interested in one of our pre-scheduled courses, you can also ask about that.