Recall data is supplied for information purposes only. The data is received from independent international resources. All recalls might not apply to all vehicles, all models, all markets, or all derivatives. If your vehicle make, model, or derivative is listed below, it is your duty to approach your manufacturer, or dealer, to determine the applicability of the applicable recall to your specific vehicles. No warranty is expressed or implied with regards to the accuracy or applicability of recall data published anywhere on our site, to any specific vehicle, derivative, or line. Manufacturers and dealers are typically capable of interrogating internal systems and international bulletins to see which units are subject to recall intervention, by VIN Number. 

2024 – 06 – 21
Lexus LX600 (2021 – 2022)
Recall # 24SD-071

The vehicles can contain crankshaft main bearings that have not been properly cleared of machining debris during manufacturing. This contamination can cause the bearings to fail. This can lead to engine knocking, rough running, inability to start, or stalling. If the engine stalls while driving, the sudden loss of power increases the risk of accidents and injuries.

The Lexus LX600 vehicles affected by this recall were manufactured between 8 July 2021 and 25 November 2022.

Lexus recall code: 24SD-071  Affected models: LX600, Land Cruiser, Tundra, produced in the USA and Japan
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): n/a

Source: Rapex Alert 25/2024 A12/01577/24


2024 – 03 – 31
Lexus RX (2022 – 2023)
Recall # 24SD-022

The design of the accessory immobilizer is not robust enough. It allows the vehicle to be in ‘Ready ON’ mode even when no match is found between the vehicle and its key but will switch the vehicle to ‘Ready OFF’ after. It can happen while driving, which will stop the car and increase the risk of an accident.

The Lexus RX vehicles affected by this recall were manufactured between: RX350h: 11. 11. 2022 – 23. 9. 2023, RX450h+: 7. 11. 2022 – 23. 11. 2023, RX500h: 10. 11. 2022 – 20. 9. 2023.

Lexus recall code: 24SD-022  Affected models: Toyota: C-HR, RAV4 HEV, RAV4 PHV; Lexus: NX450h+, RX350h, RX450h+, RX500h
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): n/a

Source: Rapex Alert 13/2024 A12/00794/24

2024 – 03 – 31
Lexus NX (2021 – 2022)
Recall # 24SD-022

The design of the accessory immobilizer is not robust enough. It allows the vehicle to be in ‘Ready ON’ mode even when no match is found between the vehicle and its key but will switch the vehicle to ‘Ready OFF’ after. It can happen while driving, which will stop the car and increase the risk of an accident.

The Lexus NX450h+ vehicles affected by this recall were manufactured between 18 November 2021 and 8 February 2022.

Lexus recall code: 24SD-022  Affected models: Toyota: C-HR, RAV4 HEV, RAV4 PHV; Lexus: NX450h+, RX350h, RX450h+, RX500h
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): n/a

Source: Rapex Alert 13/2024 A12/00794/24

2024 – 02 – 04
Lexus RX300 (2018 – 2022)
Recall # 23SD-108

Insufficient press-in mounting of certain components of the high-pressure fuel pump could lead to increased pressure on the valves within the pump. This may cause the weld seams of the affected valve(s) to crack, which could lead to a fuel leak. In the presence of a source of ignition, a fuel leak could lead to an increased risk of fire.

The Lexus RX300 vehicles affected by this recall were manufactured between 12 March 2018 and 26 May 2022.

Lexus recall code: 23SD-108  Affected models: NX300, RX300 + Toyota Auris, C-HR, Corolla
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 697,000

Source: Rapex Alert 5/2024 A12/00190/24

2024 – 02 – 04
Lexus NX300 (2018 – 2022)
Recall # 23SD-108

Insufficient press-in mounting of certain components of the high-pressure fuel pump could lead to increased pressure on the valves within the pump. This may cause the weld seams of the affected valve(s) to crack, which could lead to a fuel leak. In the presence of a source of ignition, a fuel leak could lead to an increased risk of fire.

The Lexus NX300 vehicles affected by this recall were manufactured between 12 March 2018 and 26 May 2022.

Lexus recall code: 23SD-108  Affected models: NX300, RX300 + Toyota Auris, C-HR, Corolla
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 697,000

Source: Rapex Alert 5/2024 A12/00190/24

2023 – 07 – 24
Lexus NX450h+ (2021 – 2022)
Recall # 23SD-075

The DC-DC converter may be faulty, which can cause the current from the 12V battery to continue to flow, generating heat and increasing the risk of a vehicle fire.

The Lexus NX450h+ vehicles affected by this recall were manufactured between 16 April 2021 and 6 June 2022.

Lexus recall code: 23SD-075  Affected models: Passenger car, equipped with plug-in hybrid engine. Model code: NX450h+: AAZH26; RAV4 PHEV: AXAP54; model year: 2021-2022.
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 47,000

Source: Rapex Alert 29/2023 A12/01675/23