Recall data is supplied for information purposes only. The data is received from independent international resources. All recalls might not apply to all vehicles, all models, all markets, or all derivatives. If your vehicle make, model, or derivative is listed below, it is your duty to approach your manufacturer, or dealer, to determine the applicability of the applicable recall to your specific vehicles. No warranty is expressed or implied with regards to the accuracy or applicability of recall data published anywhere on our site, to any specific vehicle, derivative, or line. Manufacturers and dealers are typically capable of interrogating internal systems and international bulletins to see which units are subject to recall intervention, by VIN Number. 

2024 – 04 – 16
Suzuki Jimny (2018 – 2019)
Recall # 97HA

The resinous material of the fuel pump is not dense enough, can deform and come into contact with the pump housing. This can cause the pump to fail, potentially resulting in the engine stalling and increasing the risk of accidents and injuries.

The Suzuki Jimny vehicles affected by this recall were manufactured between 12 November 2018 and 7 September 2019.

Suzuki recall code: 97HA  Affected models: Jimny A6G415
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 21,353

Source: Rapex Alert 15/2024 A12/00885/24

2024 – 02 – 26
Suzuki SX4 S-Cross (2023)
Recall # 97-DP

The left rear brake pipe may have been damaged during tightening process, which may lead to rust development and to the creation of a hole. This may cause brake fluid leaks, resulting in impaired braking performance and loss of driving stability, increasing the risk of an accident.

The Suzuki SX4 S-Cross vehicles affected by this recall were manufactured in 2023.

Suzuki recall code: 97-DP  Affected models: Vitara, SX4 S-Cross
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 4,878

Source: Rapex Alert 8/2024 A12/00405/24

2024 – 02 – 25
Suzuki Vitara (2023)
Recall # 97-DP

The left rear brake pipe may have been damaged during tightening process, which may lead to rust development and to the creation of a hole. This may cause brake fluid leaks, resulting in impaired braking performance and loss of driving stability, increasing the risk of an accident.

The Suzuki Vitara vehicles affected by this recall were manufactured in 2023.

Suzuki recall code: 97-DP  Affected models: Vitara, SX4 S-Cross
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 4,878

Source: Rapex Alert 8/2024 A12/00405/24

2023 – 08 – 22
Suzuki Across (2020 – 2022)
Recall # 99-XL

The DC/DC converter may have been damaged during in its production, which can result in failure of the module, causing a short circuit and creating a risk of fire.

The Suzuki Across of the 2020 to 2022 model years fitted with a plug-in hybrid system which includes a DC/DC converter are being recalled.

Suzuki recall code: 99-XL  Affected models: Across
Vehicle numbers (worldwide): 6,095

Source: Rapex Alert 33/2023 A12/01835/23